WE Mentoring Academy


Mar 28, 2023

I often write about things I need help with. When I post things to motivate others I’m doing it for me too. I think most of us NEED to be inspired daily. 

I am so thankful that I am still able to follow my passion at my age by helping lift others up because it lifts me up at the same time.  

We all need encouragement and like a lot of you I’ve turned off the sites and channels that allow my brain to “go into the desert”. 

If you don’t like my positive or humanitarian  post  just scroll by.... those post aren’t meant for you.... someone else needs to read them. 

I am constantly working on myself....I’m human, I drift into the desert sometimes but I soon come out, it just not a place my brain wants to be. I’m truly a work in progress with many faults. 

We rarely have a person in step with our every thought. It’s impossible. We all want acceptance and love from everyone but that’s not realistic. 

I prefer(often it’s hard) to be more accepting of others thoughts and values. I have some non-negotiable values.... and the opinions of others won’t change those. 

So if you’re still reading this.... thanks for being my friend, more importantly thank you for allowing me to continue being me💙


Incase no one has told you today...I BELIEVE IN YOU

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