WE Mentoring Academy

What if... you don't have to repeat the cycle of failure over & over when it comes to money, health, your relationships?

Get this right and your success rate of having abundance in EVERY area of your life changes exorbitantly


"Even though you may want to move forward in your life, you may have one foot on the brakes.  In order to be free, we must learn how to let go. Release the hurt. Release the fear.  Refuse to entertain your old pain. The energy it takes to hang on to the past is hiding you back from a new life. What is it you would let go of today?"
Mary M Morrissey-American Spiritual Teacher

Are You Willing To Fail...To Win?

Not sure if I can take one more failure

Success Comes With Sacrifice 

There will be insurmountable obstacles 

Are You Sick Of "Money Failure" 

After years of making bad decisions how can I trust myself?

What If It Didn't Have To Be That Way?

What if...your life could be different- happier, healthier, more joyful because you no longer struggle financially?  

Changing your mindset is key to success not just with money but your health and relationships.


 "If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought."

Peace Pilgrim-American Spiritual Teacher & Peace Activist

Join us for a 18 Day Challenge

Think It.

Believe It. Claim It. 


May Is Mental Health Month. It is something I'm passionate about and 10% of ea course sold will be donated to NAMI, National Alliance on Mental Health.  If you don't join our challenge please consider making a donation to the National NAMI or to your State or Local office!

Everyone has a story...what is yours?

Join us on an 18 day journey as we use neuroscience methods and 2 great books, Napoleon Hills Think And Grow Rich and the 21st Century version of his book Think And Grow Rich FOR WOMEN by Sharon Lechter


Here is Darlenes money story
Enrollment Now Open!

Hi, I'm Darlene Provo and My Mission Is To Help You Be CEO (Create Empowering Opportunities) in your life.

My goal is to help women find their passions, attract the people and tools needed to create a "mindset" for success and abundance in every area of their life.

Discover More Here →



IF you are ready to start living a life of passion and joy….and yes I do believe that you have those things with money….then join us on a 18 day study of Think and Grow Rich for Women by Sharon Lechter….

The majority of the challenge will be based on Sharon’s book. Money is not the only thing we will focus on...we need to have abundance in every area of our lives.

    Think It. Believe It. Claim It!  THEN TAKE ACTION!

18 Days of exploring Napoleon Hill’s secrets  in Think and Grow Rich, PLUS Sharon Lechter’s version for women and why over a million people have purchased the original book….they want what you do.  And the best part is you can do it from the comfort of your own home.  

ACTION  is the ingredient to success.  We can change our mindset but nothing changes without action. 

The most exciting part for me is watching all of you grow in just 18 days.  

My desire is to show  you how to lead a life with “driving passion” and whatever you desire is done with purpose filled heart for others.


I hope so…because I can not wait.  I will be learning right with you.  I promise you it will be worth your time and money.

The bottom line is….I wanted to stop being pushed off the cliff by bad decisions that most often were related to money that just kept me in one rebound after another.

Are you ready to at least explore what is holding your money block from keeping you from having success in every area of your life?

Do you feel you are “meant for more”? I know exactly how you feel because I’ve been there and done that…

Are you sick of the rut of ‘money failure’ but just don’t know how to stop it?

Do you have a burning desire to be financially, spiritually, healthier & loving yourself more?

Unless you change, think differently and believe differently everything that I say here is TOTAL BS if you fail to take action before, during and after the course!


This is a no brainer….don’t let fear hold you back.  Its time to make a decision and hit the button to join us!

 The most exciting part for me is watching all of you grow in just 18 days.  

My desire is to show  you how to lead a life with “driving passion” and whatever you desire is done with purpose filled heart for others.

Are YOU Ready To Take Action

The Flow of the Challenge

We will do the the study in 18 consecutive days. Most days will be FaceBook lives in the group.  I CAN NOT stress this enough...ACTION is key!


BUT....before we start I have another free activity. I will send you a Video a few days BEFORE we start the challenge.  You will learn how to take a PASSION TEST.  I want to give you as many tools as I can so that we can set you up for SUCCESS.

Day 1. We will start 1st with introducing myself and giving you a short version of my story.  What we will be doing daily…. there is homework. There is an incentive to finish…so work your way thru to the 18th day. If you have not already posted in the FB community your PASSION test assignment...do this now...if you are brave.

2nd assignment ….Money Challenge, details in your email as soon as you sign up.

Day 2 Will be showing you how we will weave these 2 books together. Why it’s important for you to do your homework…there are prizes at the end of the challenge.  This will be a Q&A so that we are all clear on what is expected.

The following days will be about each of the chapters, except Day 10…you can use a digital book for Think and Grow Rich (its free on the internet) to follow along until your books arrive if you don’t already have them.

Day 3  Introduction.  

Homework assignment will be to write your money story.

Day 4 Desire.  The starting point of all achievements. 

Day 5 Faith. Visualization of and belief in attainment of desire. FB Live in the group.

Day 6 Auto-Suggestion.  Influencing your subconscious. Homework assignment is Introduction to Meditation/Hypnoses.

Day 7 Specialized Knowledge.  Personal experience.

Day 8 Imagination.  Workshop of Mind    Homework-Brainstorm & complete: Think it. Believe it. Claim it.  Form.  PDF will be in your email.

Day 9 Organized Planning.  Making your desires clear. 

Day 10 *Question & Answers Day on a Zoom class. This challenge is not just about money...this activity will be about relationships.  I think this maybe my favorite activity!

Day 11. Decision.  Procrastination. *Homework, What 2 things do you need to give up?

Day 12. Persistence. To go forward with faith.  Go Live in FB group.  Tell your backstory about money.

Day 13. Power of the Mastermind.  The driving force. 

Day 14. The Mystery of Sex.  Transmutation…very controversial chapter.

Day 15.  The Subconscious Mind.  The connecting link.  *Zoom class.  Share 3 things that you have learned about yourself during the study.

Day 16.  The Brain.  The broadcasting and receiving center for thought. My favorite chapter!

Day 17.  The Sixth Sense. Door to wisdom & The Epilogue. How to outwit the 6 ghosts of fear.   Final assignment is a secret but I promise you its fun.

Day 18.  Final day.  YOU will reveal your final assignment  Wrap up Q&A.  PLUS we will announce the winners and prizes of the challenge.   LIVE  Zoom awards class.

          Time To Party

And There are Amazing Bonuses!

Earn Your Challenge Fee Back!

I think everyone should do this study so I’m including a special offer for you…

Sweet Bonus #1

REFER 1 friend and you will get Sharon Lechter book  (Think & Grow Rich for Women) cost rebated to you $17…making your course ONLY $55…you are all ready making money.

Sweet Bonus #2

REFER 3 friends and you will get to do the study for FREE.  I’m guessing you have 3 friends, family or business partners that need this too.  Wouldn’t it be great for you to all do it together?

You will get a special link to share with them so that we can make sure you get credit.  If there is a glitch just let us know of the name of the person and once we confirm we will reimburse your challenge fee.


Join Now!

Get Started Today    

Just $72 


this is a sales price JUST for the May Challenge and does NOT include a coaching call

Course PLUS

ON SALE $72/ REG $99

Features Include:

  • 18 Day Challenge
  • Daily Group FB Live events
  • 2 Live ZOOM events
  • 9 Fun Activities
  • A chance to win prizes Valued over $369 for those that finish the challenge
  • Refer a friend and get refunded $17 the cost of your book
  • May Is Mental Health Month. It is something I'm passionate about and 10% of ea course sold will be donated to NAMI, National Alliance on Mental Health.  If you don't join our challenge please consider making a donation to the National NAMI or to your State or Local office!

Course, Books, PLUS 3 Private Coaching Calls and Discovery Call


Save over $200 Features Include:


  • 18 Day Challenge
  • Daily Group FB Live events
  • 2 Live ZOOM events
  • 9 Fun Activities
  • A chance to win prizes Valued over $369 for those that finish the challenge
  • Think and Grow Rich Book, both physical books. 
  • 30 Minute Discovery Coaching Call
  • 3 Private Coaching Calls
  • PLUS 6 months FREE INSIDER Mentoring Group
  • May Is Mental Health Month. It is something I'm passionate about and 10% of ea course sold will be donated to NAMI, National Alliance on Mental Health.  If you don't join our challenge please consider making a donation to the National NAMI or to your State or Local office!


 I can not guarantee that you will be abundant in every area of your life...because that is up to you to do the work. However I will be happy to give you a refund(minus book charges) if you feel in the 1st 9 days of the challenge that you've decided it's just not for you!  Send me an email at [email protected]

Your Life After This Program? Hopefully you will take sometime to enjoy life...I know I will.  The beach always recharges me!

Then take some time to ask these questions
  • Have I learned anything new that adds value to my life?
  • What distractions do I need to elimante?
  • Now that I know my "Money Story" am I ready to change it?
  • Why have I let my age define my physical & financial goals?
  • What GOALs did I give up that I'm ready now to do?
  • Are you clear on what your passions are?
  • Am I ready to spend time on my passions and purpose...NO MATTER WHAT?
  • Do you need extra guidance or coaching?

Answers To Your Questions and Some Fun Facts About Darlene

Are You Going To Join Me?


If you have made it here and have not still joined me please send me a message and let me know what is holding you back.

It can't be the price because I've made it affordable on purpose so that I can help more people have abundance in every area of their life.  

My question is: Is it hard for you to make decisions whether they are big or small?  My coach John C Maxwell says that if the small things stop you...then you will never move forward.

Maybe this is something we need to talk about...just contact me to chat.

If you've made the commitment to do this challenge, THANK YOU! I'll see you on the inside.


Join Now!