WE Mentoring Academy


Welcome Friend!

I’m Darlene Provo and I’m so glad you are here right reading this because there are no coincidences in life.

You are here ON purpose and whether you know it or not its an important purpose.

Don’t you think it’s time for you to start living the life you desire?

I know I do.  Life has derailed me more times than I want to remember.  Believe me when I say that I allowed all those “life events” to become my crutch from not doing or being what I wanted.

I let others, the universe, my family and my friends to steer the direction of my life.

Seriously I was pretty happy letting other people steer my life off a cliff. I loved playing the victim.

I have had a life of many ups and many downs… can you relate to that?

Why couldn’t I get my life together in my relationships, health, spiritually and financially?  When I got one of those things in alignment it seemed as if the other 3 areas would go and crash.

For me, the “anxiety area” of my life that centers around money can be connected to almost ever major failure.

Breaking The Cycle

The reason I am teaching this course…is because I’m still and will always be on the journey.  I’m a work in progress.  Really it's my mission not to repeat the cycle of failure over and over when it comes to money.

For the last 8 years I have been studying and mentored by coaches that teach Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. Studying that book led to me Think and Grow Rich for Women by Sharon Lechtner.

Napoleon Hill wrote his book over 90 years ago and frankly I had trouble understanding the message he was conveying.  While I was in agreement with what he was sharing I needed to know how I could apply it to my life now. 

That is when I found Sharons book…it was just what I needed.  And I am hoping you are open to learn from her as well as we take both books and blend them into this course.

Why now?  Because I am ready to teach you how these lessons are helping change my life.  I was skeptical, I’m sure you are too right now, but the universe keeps proving that it works.

I had to believe.  I had to take baby steps.  I had to stop being my worst enemy.  I had to breathe and let the universe direct me.  Yes it maybe universe or spiritual guidance or God….either way we all have a voice that helps steer us.  Often we don’t listen.  

I’m listening now!

So, let my ask you a REAL…NO BS question?

Are you ready to at least explore what is holding your money block from keeping you from having success in every area of your life?

IF you are ready to start living a life of passion and joy….and yes I do believe that you have those things with money….then join me on a 18 day study of Think and Grow Rich for Women….

    Think It. Believe It. Claim It!

Join Me On The Challenge